Best dog harness for dog unable to walk
Quincys have created an amazing product and would wholeheartedly recommend them to anyone who has concerns about their dogs walking.
I also have a dog cart that my dog uses, but I would say that I use this dog harness 90% of the time.
This is a cutting – edge company, who are dedicated and have a passion for animals.

Great reviews for dog harness
Quincys have been superb. Their customer service was great. The guys at Quincys respond very quickly and go above and beyond to help.

Dog walking aid
I cant say enough about what the Quincys Full support harness has done for my dog.
Their harness took a dog unable to walk and being miserable to walking and enjoying himself.
It is an absolute pleasure to write this testimonial to show my thanks for what you have done. I highly recommend Quincys products.

Claire M.
Dog harness for dog suffering from arthritis
I would recommend this mobility dog harness to anyone who has an old frail dog. I use this harness every day on my beautiful dog with arthritis, although I’m still waiting for the Barbie Pink colour to come out.
Mr Parker
Quincys mobility support dog Harness
I am thrilled to no ends to have come across Quincys mobility support dog Harness.
What’s more, is that I find it quite worthy of note that I have taken time to write this letter of recommendation.
After years of owning dogs, and buying countless products, this is the first time I’ve felt compelled enough to offer this highest form of accolade to a pet product. But again….. I’ve never met a company such as Quincys. Thank you.

Mobility aid for dogs
I can safely say that I was unprepared for experiencing such a leap in faith. I sincerely hope this sets a new standard for all pet companies. Thanks for coming up with such a wonderful product

Toby and Dad.
The GenX harness helping an injured dog
Earlier in the year I was trawling through the internet looking for a designer dog collar or a large dog collar and a dog vest and just happened to come across the Quincys dog harness website.
Then wouldn’t you just guess it, my dog got injured!
All I can say is – Thank you, Quincys. Your mobility harness was perfect for my dog. Toby and I are eternally grateful.

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Thank you for the very fast service. I received my harness the next day!
As explained on the phone, I have a handicapped dog with three legs.
I looked everywhere on the internet for a mobility harness for Rufus and yours seemed the best. As both me and Rufus grew up together and he aged, I found it harder and harder to lift him in and out of the car and as he always sleeps upstairs, I was always worried when walking him back down. I would hold onto his dog collar and gently walk him down.
This mobility aid has helped not only within the house but also when walking him outside. Not only has it made my life easier but I think Rufus likes it too!
I would recommend this mobility dog harness to any older dogs or handicapped dogs. Great bunch of people to deal with and I hope this letter helps.

Riley and Amanda
The Spero harness being used here by Riley
Having received your package, I didn’t know what to expect.
It didn’t matter as my Riley has deteriorated so much and I would have done anything for him.
Nothing could have prepared me for your ‘Spero’ harness and how well it works for him. I’ve used it now for a day and I knew I just had to write to you to say how grateful I am!!
You harness is beyond amazing and there aren’t any words that I can offer, but please know that I am at my most sincere, when I say that this work of art has truly, truly helped both me and my dog.
Quincys is an amazing company, your products are awesome, and your dream of building animal hospitals to help people without insurances is inspiring… and your magnificent dog harness is beyond astonishing.
The flexibility of our ‘Spero’ Mobility Support Harness system means it can be used for so many different problems and situations. No other dog mobility aid is such a flexible tool and therefore such value for money.

The flexibility of our ‘Spero’ Mobility Support Harness system means it can be used for so many different problems and situations. No other dog mobility aid is such a flexible tool and therefore such value for money.
Hi Josh,
You must have been wondering why you never heard from me , especially after your immense kindness in sending the whole ‘Spero’ dog harness kit: the parcel was supposed to arrive on the Wednesday after you sent it, but did not; Tarot had a veterinary appointment in Rome on the Thursday, and of course we missed the postman, who tried to deliver it that morning. That meant that, with the major holiday of All Soul's day on the Friday, no postSaturday, Remembrance Day on the Monday November 4th (Italians do well on holidays!), it had not arrived by the time I left on that Monday, for a month of photography in Antarctica and Patagonia. I was able to get e mails from, my husband, as a special favour for 'family health issues" (didn't specify who!!) while on the boat, but I couldn't write to you as well. I got back this evening after 36 hours of sleepless travel back home, and I am delighted to see Tarot sporting her new harness. It is fantastic. Looks like my husband has been using just the dog part, rather than dog and handler combination, as the vet was keen for us to let Tarot work on her own muscle strength, but I suspect that it will be useful in the hopefully pretty distant future.
It is a joy to see how easily she walks with the harness - it gives her just the right amount of support and control, and she and we have a much better level of stability and confidence. I haven't forgotten your request for a video, but of course, it was a bit difficult for Ross to do this on his own. We will work on it in the very near future.
Thank you again, and I hope you will forgive what seemed like an ungrateful delay in acknowledging receipt and success of your wonderful design.
All the best

Jack Sturbridge
The GenX harness is ideal not only for the more adventurous outdoor owner , but for owners of dogs that require some minimal back or front leg support.
I wanted to buy a dog harness to train my 5 month old puppy and researched a range of harnesses. I bought your GenX harness to replace an old fleece harness I had and found it to be amazing.
A lot of thought has been into this design plus its very stylish. As your website says, he stopped pulling within a couple of times of using the harness – really impressive and I received it the next day!
Amazing service and a fabulous dog harness product.

Lesley Carpenter
The flexibility of our ‘Spero’ Mobility Support Harness system means it can be used for so many different problems and situations. No other dog mobility aid is such a flexible tool and therefore such value for money.
I can't thank Josh enough for taking time to discuss my boys problems, I freaked after the vet told me he had hip problems, this is after two cruciate ligament ops which he is recovering from.
I felt that our boy was never going to play or run again, however, a dear friend put me in touch with Josh who took the time reassuring me that our boy just needed support and building muscle. Josh suggested the harness, i ordered it immediately. My Duke is a bit sensitive about his little boy bits so took some getting used to the harness, but, it was for his benefit.
The vets diagnosis shocked and scared me, but since talking to Josh and now with the harness rehabbing Duke, regardless of the harness, Quincys gave sound advice and hope.
Duke is now exercising more. The harness is my safety net and knowing that Josh is at the end of the phone. Quincys is so passionate about dogs and their welfare. Spread the word as I have done around my home town, as I had never known or heard about Quincy's before. Thank you

Trevors Owner
Thank you for sending the dog harness for my dog Trevor so quickly
Thank you for sending the dog harness for my dog Trevor so quickly.
With regards to how i was going to walk my dog again after being told by my vet that the hip dysplasia operation went horribly wrong - I didnt know!!
Without your mobility harness, i really didn't know how i was going to cope having a disable dog and did wonder if it was only fair to put him to sleep. I'm so glad i found your company and am eternally grateful.

The Spero mobility harness helping another dog
Thank you again for coming out to Dulwich to deliver and fit your mobility harness on Keane.
After a false start the next morning and a few minor adjustments to the straps, he now wears the harness ‘happily’ and it’s really helping control of his back legs.
Strength is slowly coming back and he is now able to get up from his bed and stand un-assisted; legs still buckle sometimes, unexpectedly, so we cannot leave him unsupervised.
Drugs are being switched tomorrow from Carprieve to Prednisolone and I’ve been on the hunt for carpet runners to cover the floor and offer him more grip on the floor that way.
We’ll keep you posted on progress if you like and I will let you know how, My Vet in Cowley heard of you.
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